About the CA
Guelph Greens Constituency Association (CA)
The Guelph Greens CA exists as a volunteer organization to support local Ontario Greens candidates. Between provincial elections, we work to help build the Ontario we want to see by taking action in our local Guelph community. Anyone can volunteer with the CA!
CA Executives are also volunteers and are elected at our Annual General Meetings (AGM). Execs serve 2-year terms in the position they are elected to. We are often recruiting for new Executive members, so if you are interested in getting involved, you can submit your application here.
Current Executive
President, Irene Szabo
Irene provides a strong leadership role, including organizing our monthly meetings and acting as the main contact with head office. Irene is in charge of establishing our local goals and guiding exec members and committees. The president also heads up the planning for the AGM.
CFO, Al de Jong
Al has been trained as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) by Elections Ontario to help us understand the laws that affect political associations. Al is in charge of all things financial, including bookkeeping, financial reports to government and membership, and holding signing authority for the local CA.
Secretary, Gillian Maurice
Gillian takes notes during executive meetings, annual general meetings and nomination meetings, and tracks action items. Gillian also maintains local party records around membership and organizational logistics.
Volunteer Coordinator, Kris Sturgeon
You’ve probably met Kris! Kris is the first contact with future volunteers when they submit a request through online channels. Kris works with volunteers to find a role that works for them and the CA, follows up, and helps support our volunteers in their roles.
Fundraising Director (Position Open)
The Fundraising Director plans local fundraising events and thanks donors. The role also works with the CFO to ensure we are following Elections Ontario rules.
Communications Team Lead (Position Open)
The Comms Team Lead promotes the Green Party and Green values both internally and in the wider community. Practically speaking, the Comms Lead ensures that the website and emails are active and engaging for the local community.
Directors at Large
- Conor Russell
- Kim Logue
- Kevin Bowman
- Cristin Stephens-Wegner
- Heather Callum